Efficient heat pump solution for hotel in Mödling district
With three AERO AL 50 Max air/water heat pumps and a TERRA SW 35 Max H booster heat pump, we efficiently supply a 104-room hotel with heating and hot water.
Renovation, modernization of residential building, Vienna
A historic residential building was converted to modern, sustainable energy technologies through the use of an iDM geothermal heat pump and a photovoltaic system.
Conversion of an apartment building to an iDM heat pump
Thanks to innovative deep drilling in the inner courtyard and under the sidewalk, the entire building is supplied with environmentally friendly energy.
Residential complex Kartitsch, Austria
The AERO AL Twin is the perfect companion for your residential complex.
Heating system in public areas – Ospitaletto Brescia
Das Unternehmen Schleifring GmbH ist Marktführer bei kontaktierenden und kontaktlosen Schleifringen.
Romantik Hotel Schloss Pichlarn
Das Unternehmen Schleifring GmbH ist Marktführer bei kontaktierenden und kontaktlosen Schleifringen.
renovation old building, Germany
The enormous oil consumption accelerated the changeover to an iDM air heat pump.
Renovation two-family house, Austria
The Carinthian family uses the AERO ALM air heat pump for heating, cooling and hot water.
out of oil – detached house, Austria
With the “out-of-oil bonus” the family from Carinthia has secured a bonus of € 5,000 for the heating renovation!
renovation single-family home, Austria
In the course of the renovation, a pure electric heating system was switched to an air heat pump.
office building Simma Electronic, Austria
Concrete core activation and underfloor heating, perfect starting position for our brine heat pumps.
FC Brauerei Egg, Austria
With the iDM Booster heat pump you get a monovalent heat pump combination so the required drinking water ordinance is no problem anymore.
single-family house in Penzelberg, Austria
An iDM ALM air-heat-pump replaces an old oil heater.
single-family house in Matrei in Osttirol, Austria
The new AERO ALM by a renovation in Austria.
Residential complex Wallnerhof, Austria
AERO AL 60 Max heats the residential complex Wallnerhof.
Restaurant Wörthersee, Austria
A restaurant in Carinthia heats and cools with a iPump A.
Residential complex Folders, Austria
The residential complex with 7 residential units are heated by a TERRA SWM heat pump.
ÖAMTC Dornbirn, Austria
The ÖAMTC headquarters in Dornbirn is using the technology of iDM.
Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Schleifring GmbH is the market leader for contacting and non-contacting slip rings.
Private home Perg, Austria
The townhouse in the middle of Perg use a iDM heat pump with a deep drilling.
Whiskey destillery Peter Affenzeller, Austria
The iDM AL 32 Twin air heat pump heats the new building of a whiskey factory.
Old building renovation Styria, Autria
The owners of this single-family home in Styria also put their trust in iDM’s system technology.
Ansfelden, Austria
Three iDM AL 60 Max and one AL 32 Twin are in use at iBC global logistic friends.
Augsburg, Germany
A cascade consisting of 4 AL Max air-source heat pumps.
Hopfgarten, Tirol
A compact indoor air source heat pump for heating was installed in the nursery of the Pletzer Group in Hopfgarten im Brixental.
Doren, Vorarlberg
At the motor vehicle master plant in Doren, Vorarlberg, an AERO SLM 6-17 was used for heating and cooling.